Buenas tardes familias de tiburones. Con nuestro apoyo en persona viendo un aumento en los estudiantes que ingresan, escalonaremos los tiempos de salida de los estudiantes para reducir la congestión en el estacionamiento y el área de recepción. A partir de las vacaciones de otoño, todos los estudiantes de primaria, K-6to grado serán liberados a las 10:00 am. Esto permitirá que el estacionamiento se despeje un poco antes de que nuestros estudiantes de secundaria se vayan por el día. La seguridad de todos los estudiantes, el personal y nuestras familias son de máxima prioridad y creemos que esto ayudará durante nuestra despedida en persona. Gracias por su comprensión y cooperación. ¡
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good afternoon Shark families. With our in person support seeing an increase in students coming in, we will be staggering the dismissal times of the students for less congestion in the parking lot and reception area. Starting after Fall break, all elementary students, K-6th grade will be released at 10:00am. This will allow the parking lot to clear out a bit before our secondary students leave for the day. The safety of all students, staff and our families are of top priority and we believe this will help during our in person dismissal. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Go SHARKS!
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
We are excited to share with you that 4 of our Shadow Ridge students had the opportunity to participate in the 6th Annual San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools “Student Essential/Soft Skills Boot Camp”. The Boot Camp assists high school students from throughout the county develop and enhance essential job and internship skills to effectively move from school to career and higher academic pursuits. Great job representing Shadow Ridge!! We are very proud of our Sharks!
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Soft Skills Boot Camp
Soft Skills Boot Camp
Soft Skills Boot Camp
Soft Skills Boot Camp
Soft Skills Boot Camp
Soft Skills Boot Camp
Soft Skills Boot Camp
Here at HUSD we want to be a hub for the community to be able to get together and have a good time. We have so many exciting free Fall Festivals coming up at our schools and wanted to share them with you. We hope to see you there! https://5il.co/266bp
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
Fall Festival flyer
What an honor to have a Chicano Music Legend here at Shadow Ridge today for another amazing podcast interview by some of our video production students. We are so fortunate to have such meaningful guest speakers stop by and participate in our podcasts. Great job Sharks! For more about Mark Guerrero, check out his website: https://markguerrero.net/. You can also find the whole podcast soon at our YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/3PDq7Nd
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Mark Guerrero Podcast
Mark Guerrero Podcast
Mark Guerrero Podcast
The San Bernardino County Public Health Department will be hosting a vaccination event at the district office on September 27, 2023. Click the link for more information: https://5il.co/241q2
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
clinic flyer English
clinic flyer Spanish
Busy lab day at Shadow Ridge as our Biology students are completing the Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Lab and Physics students are learning about Laws of Motion in the Collision Lab. It's always fun when we are learning by doing!
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Collision Lab
Biology Lab
Biology Lab
Biology Lab
Este es un recordatorio de que tenemos conferencias primarias programadas para esta semana, del 9/25 al 9/26. Todos los apoyos de primaria en persona serán por 1 hora durante toda la semana de 8:40 a.m. a 9:40 a.m. para permitir que nuestros maestros realicen sus conferencias. Gracias. ¡Vamos tiburones!
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
This is a reminder that we have elementary conferences scheduled for this week, 9/25 through 9/26. All elementary in person supports will be for 1 hour all week from 8:40am-9:40am to allow our teachers to conduct their conferences. Thank you. Go Sharks!
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
The San Bernardino County Public Health Department will be hosting a vaccination event at the district office on September 27, 2023. Click the link for more information: https://5il.co/241q2
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
clinic flyer English
clinic flyer Spanish
This is a reminder we have school pictures scheduled for tomorrow, 9/20 and we will not have in person support time from 8:40am-10:40am. Because our facility is small, we are asking parents and students to follow the picture schedule included in this message. We have created time slots and students can show up anytime during the assigned time slot. These will be by student last name: A-D 9am-10:15am E-L 10:15am-11:30am M-R 12:30pm-1:45pm S-Z 1:45pm-3:00pm Thank you. Go Sharks!!
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
The 2023 Daily Press Best in the Desert 2023 Community Choice Awards are accepting votes from now until 9/22/23. Several HUSD schools and the district itself are finalists again. If you would like to vote please go to vvdailypress.gannettcontests.com/2023-Best-of-the-Desert-Communitys-Choice-Awards/gallery?group=467343. Please note that this event is not organized or run by the Hesperia Unified School District.
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
best of desert graphic
Please see flyer for a parent training opportunity. Go Sharks!
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
English Flyer
Spanish Flyer
Shadow Ridge School tiene sus fotos escolares regulares programadas para este miércoles, 9/20. Debido a que las fotos son el miércoles 9/20, NO tendremos apoyo en persona de 8:40 a.m. a 10:40 a.m. disponible para los estudiantes ese día. Debido a que nuestras instalaciones son pequeñas, les pedimos a los padres y estudiantes que sigan el horario de fotos incluido en este mensaje. Hemos creado franjas horarias en las que los estudiantes pueden aparecer en cualquier momento durante la franja horaria. Estos serán por apellido del estudiante: A-D 9am-10:15am E-L 10:15am-11:30am L-V 12:30pm-1:45pm S-Z 1:45pm-3:00pm Gracias. ¡¡
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Shadow Ridge School has their regular school pictures scheduled for this Wednesday, 9/20. These are not senior pictures, those are scheduled for January. These are regular pictures for all students including our seniors. Picture order forms were posted in all teacher Google Classrooms. Please be sure to fill an order form out before attending to make the process a bit more efficient. Due to pictures being on Wednesday, 9/20 we will NOT have in person support from 8:40am-10:40am available for students on that day. Because our facility is small, we are asking parents and students to follow the picture schedule included in this message. We have created time slots that students can show up anytime during the time slot. These will be by student last name: A-D 9am-10:15am E-L 10:15am-11:30am M-R 12:30pm-1:45pm S-Z 1:45pm-3:00pm Thank you. Go Sharks!!
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
The San Bernardino County Public Health Department will be hosting a vaccination event at the district office on September 15, 2023. Click the link for more information: https://5il.co/241q3
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
clinic flyer English
clinic flyer Spanish
Exciting day for our Shadow Ridge students and staff as Pat Vegas, one of the co-founders of the legendary music group Redbone, was on campus today to talk with our students about his life and work. Our video production students interviewed him for their podcast and staff and students were able to get autographs. Mrs. Hudrlik even got her album signed! Find the whole interview soon on our YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3PDq7Nd
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
We are aware of our phones at Shadow Ridge School currently being down and are working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for the inconvenience.
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
Good afternoon Shadow Ridge Parents. Please take a couple minutes to vote for the 23-24 parent representatives for our School Site Council. You will be voting for 3 parents to serve on this council. Follow the link provided in this message to vote. Voting will be open through 9/13/23. Thank you. Go Sharks! Link: https://forms.gle/X36VmmPwQUAGNagy5
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
The San Bernardino County Public Health Department will be hosting a vaccination event at the district office on September 15, 2023. Click the link for more information: https://5il.co/241q3
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
clinic flyer English
clinic flyer Spanish