Attention all Shadow Ridge Families: There will be NO IN-PERSON instruction tomorrow Wednesday, November 8th due to mandatory teacher training. Students will work independently and attend their Homeroom Zoom classes only on this day. We will resume in-person on Thursday. Thank you for your understanding!
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
No In-Person Instruction November 8th
Check out the Shadow Ridge Swag Store. Get your swag to show your school spirit. Link to SRS Swag Store:
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Swag store
Attention all Shadow Ridge Families: There will be NO IN-PERSON instruction on Wednesday, November 8th due to mandatory teacher training. Students will work independently and attend their Homeroom Zoom classes only on this day. We will resume in-person on Thursday. Thank you for your understanding!
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Teacher training
Our Integrated Science students had the opportunity to participate in a measurements lab this week and get some valuable hands-on instruction. Go Sharks!
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
measurements lab
measurements lab
measurements lab
measurements lab
Good evening Shark families. We had an incredible Fall Festival today and were so excited to see so many students and families join us. Please take a few minutes to follow us on our social media accounts to stay up to date on all the SRS news. Instagram: srs_sharks and Facebook: Shadow Ridge School. Go Sharks!
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Our first Fall Festival under one roof was a HUGE success! Thank you to our secondary ASB students and our elementary student council and advisors for putting together such an amazing event for our families. Happy Fall Y'all! Go Sharks!
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Fall Festival
Elementary E-sports is in full swing at Shadow Ridge School. Come join the fun on Tuesday afternoons from 3:00pm-4:00pm. Go Sharks!
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Elem E-Sports
elem e-sports 2
Attention Shark Families! Today, Wednesday 10/25 is Make Up Picture Day. School House Photo will be here until 12:00pm if you would like to have your student's picture taken and get a school ID. Call the office for more details.
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Make up Pic Day
Great start to Red Ribbon Week at Shadow Ridge as HUSD Officers Schuler and Alexander stopped by to give a meaningful presentation to our secondary students about the history and importance of this week.
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Red Ribbon Week Presentation
Red Ribbon Week Presentation
Red Ribbon Week Presentation
REMINDER to ALL graduating seniors. We are having a senior workshop TONIGHT, 10/23 from 4-7pm at the District Office Annex Building. We will be discussing Financial Aid, College Applications, Graduation, scholarships and there will be guest speakers from VVC and more. Parents are welcome to attend. Raffle prizes and refreshments will be provided. Fill out this form and let us know if you will be there:
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Shadow Ridge is exciting to announce our Red Ribbon Week Celebration next week, October 23-27, during which we will be promoting Drug Awareness. Please see the Spirit Day themes and join us for our Guest Speaker on Monday, Oct 23 HUSD Officer Schuler. Can't wait to see all of our Sharks participating next week!
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Red Ribbon Week
School pictures are ready to be picked up in our front office. Please stop by anytime between 8:00am 3:30pm Monday-Friday to get yours! Happy Friday Shark Family!
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
School picture pick up
REMINDER to ALL graduating seniors. We are having a senior workshop on October 23 from 4-7pm at the District Office Annex Building. We will be discussing Financial Aid, College Applications, Graduation, scholarships and there will be guest speakers from VVC and more. Parents are welcome to attend. Raffles prizes and refreshments will be provided. Fill out this form and let us know if you will be there:
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
family engagement
Here is the latest news for Shadow Ridge School. Enjoy! Link:
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Hello families of graduating seniors. We are having a senior workshop on October 23 from 4-7pm at the District Office Annex Building. We will be discussing Financial Aid, College Applications, Graduation, scholarships and there will be guest speakers from VVC and more. Parents are welcome to attend. Raffles prizes and refreshments will be provided. Fill out this form and let us know if you will be there:
about 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Senior Workshop
Boa tarde famílias Tubarão. Chegamos ao final do 1º trimestre e os relatórios de progresso do ensino fundamental e médio serão divulgados no Campus Infinito no final do dia de trabalho de hoje, 6/10/23. Por favor, certifique-se de verificar Infinite Campus para essas informações. Se você precisar de acesso ao Infinite Campus, entre em contato com um dos secretários da Shadow Ridge School. Tenha uma grande pausa de queda.
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good afternoon Shark families. We have reached the end of the 1st quarter and progress reports for elementary and grades for high school and middle school will be posted in Infinite Campus at the end of the workday today, 10/6/23. Please be sure to check Infinite Campus for this information. If you need access to Infinite Campus, please reach out to one of the secretaries at Shadow Ridge School. Have a great fall break.
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Este es un recordatorio de que tenemos vacaciones de otoño que comienzan el lunes 9 de octubre y terminan el viernes 13 de octubre. Veremos a todos nuestros estudiantes de regreso a la escuela el lunes 16 de octubre. Deseamos a todas nuestras familias de tiburones un descanso de otoño seguro y relajante.
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
This is a reminder that we have Fall break starting on Monday October 9th and ending on Friday October 13th. We will see all of our students back in school on Monday, October 16th. We wish all of our Shark families a safe and relaxing Fall break.
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Fall break