Friendly reminder for our high school families that there is NO IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION tomorrow April 19 due to our Senior Class Cap and Gown Event. In-person instruction will resume on Thursday. Call the office or ask homeroom teachers for questions or concerns.
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
REMINDER to all Shadow Ridge Families: MANDATORY state testing begins next week April 24-28. Please call the office or check with your homeroom teacher for specific days/times. During this week, there will be no in-person instruction, only testing. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Attention Class of 2023 Graduates: Wed. 4/19 is our Cap and Gown Distribution Event at the Main St. site from 10a-2p. Come pick up your senior goodies and take some pictures with friends and family. If you still need to order, please click here:
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
Cap and Gown
ATTN Shadow Ridge Parents/Guardians. We are required by the State of California to send out a yearly survey to all families. Please take a few moments to fill out this brief survey regarding your student/family experience at Shadow Ridge.
over 1 year ago, Shadow Ridge School
The Shadow Ridge Yearbook is now available for purchase. Please use the link below to create an account and make your purchase. Last day to purchase will be April 10th and the link will no longer work after that This is the link that will take parents to the online pay site: School Code: 233003
almost 2 years ago, Ravae Thompson
The Shadow Ridge Yearbook is now available for purchase. Please use the link below to create an account and make your purchase. Last day to purchase will be April 10th and the link will no longer work after that This is the link that will take parents to the online pay site: School Code: 233003
almost 2 years ago, Ravae Thompson
REMINDER to all 5th, 7th, and 9th grade students that mandatory Physical Fitness Testing is tomorrow, 4/5 from 2:00pm-4:00pm at Hesperia Jr. High School. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring water. We will see you all there!
almost 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
PE Testing
Attention 9-12 grade students attending the VVC Industrial Technology Expo tomorrow at Victor Valley College. Our departure time from Shadow Ridge is now 8:30am. Please be here before then so you do not get left behind. They are providing lunch so we will eat there. Bus is returning to Shadow Ridge at 1:00pm. If you have not turned in your permission slip and plan to attend, please email Mrs. Harrie to see if you can get a spot. See you tomorrow.
almost 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
VVC Industrial Tech Expo
Hello Kinder, 2nd, 5th and 8th Grade Shark Families, Today our district nurses are conducting a vision and hearing screening. The screenings are between 8 AM and 12 PM at the District Office, Building C (back of the district office), located at 15576 Main St. Hesperia. If your student wears glasses or contacts, please make sure they bring them to the screening. If you have any questions, please contact the district nurses at (760) 244-4411
almost 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
School Site Council and ELAC meeting coming up 3/23/23 at 2:00 PM. SSC Zoom Information: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 880 4602 9078 Passcode: 299774
almost 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Shadow Ridge Reminders: There will be NO IN-PERSON instruction for the rest of this week. Friday, March 24 is the last day of Quarter 3 and grades will post to transcripts that evening. If you would like a report card, you can request one from the front office after break. Students should be completing their iReady assessments and the SAEBERS this week. NO SCHOOL next week for Spring Break. Enjoy your time off and we will see you all back for the start of Quarter 4 on Monday, April 3rd.
almost 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Spring Break
This Friday, 3/24, is the last day to register for HUSD Summer School. You must register yourself using the link below and the form will go to your counselor for approval. You may take any course you have previously failed or want to earn a higher grade in, and high school students can also get ahead in any History, Elective, or PE class. If you are unsure of what you should register for, please make an appointment with your counselor for recommendations. 7th and 8th grade students need to speak with their counselor about summer school options. Here are a few of the most important details: Dates: June 1st - 29th (No School on June 19th). Registration: February 7th - March 24th. In-person and online options will be offered.
almost 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
summer school
UPCOMING FIELD TRIPS FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: ---April 4th VVC Industrial Technology Expo ---May 2nd Exploring Southern Calif Logistics Airport Careers See the exciting career paths that are out there locally and learn how you can pursue them and start working soon! Permissions slips can be obtained in the front office! Ask Mrs. Harrie for more details!
almost 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Dear Families, As a friendly reminder, TODAY only, there is NO in-person tutoring for students (TK-12) & the Ranchero campus is CLOSED. Elementary students will have Morning Zoom, and students in grades 7-12 will report to their Homeroom Zooms. Tomorrow we will return to our regular schedule. Thank you for your support as we complete the audit process. If you have any questions, please call the front office at 760-949-8267.
almost 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Dear Shark Families, Tomorrow we are scheduled to have our yearly audit. Due to the nature of the audit, we will NOT be offering in-person tutoring for any of our grade levels (TK-12). Additionally, all staff will be reporting to the Main Street location. Therefore, our Ranchero location will be closed. Elementary students will still have morning Zoom and grades 7-12 will still report to their Homeroom zooms. Have a wonderful evening.
almost 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Join us at our next AAPAC meeting on March 16th from 4-6pm either in-person or via live stream for presentations on "Striving for Black Excellence in Academics." Topics will include: What it means to be a college and career-ready graduate, A-G opportunities, AVID, Dual Enrollment & Early College Academy, CTE, and much more! All are welcome to attend! We hope to see you there! For more info:
almost 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
AAPAC Meeting Flyer
Are you ready for some excitement? We certainly are! We are thrilled to announce that today, March 14 is the day students from across the region will be competing in the annual Hackathon competition at Granite Hills High School. Oak Hills High School has three teams of five competing in this event. The competition will take place from 8:00am -3:00pm. You can watch the presentations and awards live from 1:00-3:00pm! Please use this link to watch the final presentations and awards LIVE!
almost 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Open enrollment is currently going on and will end on March 24. For more information please visit:
almost 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Are you interested in learning an exciting trade while in school that can lead to an amazing career opportunity right after graduation? If the answer is yes, then connect with your school counselor to find out more information about the Registered Dental Assisting Program. For more info:
almost 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Registered Dental Assistant Flyer
Mr. Chapman's construction students from Sultana High School will be bringing six teams of four and Mr. Atkins construction students from Hesperia High School will be bringing three teams of four to compete in the 6th Annual Construction Competition at Victor Valley College. The competition will take place on Tuesday, March 7th from 8:00am - 3:30pm. Eight different schools from all over the High Desert with numerous teams per school will compete by building a dog house to specific specifications under a time limit to see who will be the number one school, team, and individual builder. To view the live stream of the event go here:
almost 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified